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Legenden Arnold Palmer har gjort seg noen tanker rundt golfsporten. Han ser lyspunkter

17.12 Arnold Palmer (83):
Tenker om golf i året 2012
Når Arnold Palmer uttaler seg, lytter golfverdenen. Nå har han gjort seg noen tanker om golf mot slutten av året.

Han forteller om da han tapte i play off mot unge Jack Nicklaus for 50 år siden. Han ser tilbake på året 2012, sier litt om utviklingen innen golfsporten de siste årene, The First Tee og veldedighet, golf på TV, verdensrankingen, OL hvor han selv gjerne skulle representert sitt land med mer.

Mot slutten av artikkelen skrivfer han:

"Do we have issues? Sure – what truly global enterprise doesn’t? We need to keep bringing the game to youngsters and women. We need to address the distance that today’s ball travels. Slow play is turning time-starved people away from the sport. We need to encourage nine-hole rounds. We have environmental concerns to deal with and we have to keep a vigilant eye on the standards of sportsmanship that set our game apart. The U.S. Golf Association and R&A recently announced a ban on the practice of “anchoring” clubs – usually a long or belly-length putter – against the body. I applaud them for not only their ruling, but also for the patient and thoughtful approach they took, studying the issue for years and across all levels of golf before making their decision. There was nothing knee-jerk about it. The game is in good hands."

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