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22.04 Stableford?
Dette mener Derek Crawford om saken
Golfsiden hadde for litt siden en artikkel om Stableford med overskriften: Dreper Stableford golfinteressen? En av våre aller beste profesjonelle golfspillere i Norge, Derek Crawford er sportslig leder i Tyrifjord GK.

Han har følgende reaksjon på artikkelen: 19.04 Stableford:
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Dette skriver Derek Crawford:

I write in support of your article on stableford golf and its detrimental effect on Norwegian golf. In my opinion, there can be no doubt that the stableford system hinders golfing development. The format encourages ‘hit and hope’ golf as there are no major consequences to scoring zero points on a hole. The excitement of golf lies in the 18 hole challenge and the significance of the shot about to be played. Strokeplay and matchplay formats offer the golfer greater heightened awareness due to the significance of the immediate challenge facing them. Players quickly learn their limitations, and subsequently the management of their skills becomes a new, important factor to their play. A major part of the game is being aware of your limitations, playing within them, and understanding the possible consequences to your score if you don’t. Golf without management and strategy is like Indian food without spices.

I’m convinced the poor putting skills we witness on a daily basis are related to the stableford system. Following the system, players learning to play the game find their ball is in their pocket long before they get the opportunity to putt. At Tyrifjord we have been running a program for the last 4 years for our less experienced members called Happy Golfing. Here they learn the time frame of golf through a 15 minute rule with no pencils, no scorecards, or counting allowed. Pure ‘golf glede’. The 15 minute rule states that players must tee off on the next hole within 15 minutes of teeing off on the current hole, and in doing so they must tee off and hole out. This leads to effective time management and a sense of belonging on the golf course. At the same time they get to practise from the teeing ground, the fairway and on the green - the three basic skills required to play golf.

At Tyrifjord, the stableford system is used mainly for handicapping purposes. With a Scottish ‘sportssjef’, it may come as no surprise that we play limited stableford golf in official club competitions. That is not to say that we do not look after our ‘stableford members’ as our competition calendar is split in two – ‘sportsligaktiviteter’ and ‘miljøaktiviteter’. In our ‘miljøaktiviteter’ all competitions are stableford based, team competitions (ie. social golf), whereas our ‘sportsligaktiviteter’ are played as either strokeplay or matchplay.

The sporting calendar for all levels at Tyrifjord consists the following:

10 medal rounds are played during the season – 5 on a weekend and 5 midweek – with a medal finals to complete the sporting calendar.
We identify individual club champions in both strokeplay and matchplay.
We identify foursomes club champions in matchplay.
We have a full handicap matchplay competiton.
We host an open ¾ handicap fourball competition.
We organise representative scratch and ¾ handicap, fourball, club matches for full fee paying members (no hired professionals!).
We have an Order of Merit based on the above competitions to determine team selection for representative club matches.
The professional golfers in the club compete with the members in all competitions except the club championship.

Finally, we have invested in our own coaching program which teaches our golfing members awareness of their strengths and weakness in their golf game to aid them on their decision making on the course. The program is partially funded by our member activity budget, and this in conjunction with our sporting calendar has led to great improvement in participating members.

We don’t count points at Tyrifjord - the Home of Golf in Norway!

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