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Nå gjelder det for Espen Kofstad å følge opp det gode spillet med enda bedre spill. For nå skal han spille med/mot enda bedre spillere.

05.11 Espen Kofstad:
Blir lagt merke til
I en pressemelding som tikket inn er Espen Kofstad nevnt fordi han bruker Sunice.

Mange leverandører bruker vinnerne til å promotere sine produkter. Hyggelig at vi nå har fått en ny nordmann inn på dette "markedet".

Her er pressemeldingen:

Sunice Congratulates Espen Kofstad, Norway's First Challenge Tour Winner
Montreal, Quebec - Sunice is proud to congratulate Espen Kofstad on his win at the Apulia San Domenico Grand Final in Italy this weekend, which also propelled him to first place on the Challenge Tour ultimately earning him a well deserved place on next season's European Tour.

Kofstad, who chooses to wear both Sunice Silver and Sunice Outerwear while competing on Tour, was placed 11th before the final tournament and becomes the first Norwegian Challenge Tour Number One. He took the title wearing the Ethan polo from Sunice Silver SS12 collection.

Kofstad played his first Challenge Tour season in 2011, but this season he has come into his own with a spell in July, where he finished first, third and tied fifth in consecutive weeks. Now Kofstad faces the task of attempting to mix it at the top level starting in South Africa later this year.

About Sunice
Sunice®, founded in 1976 in Alberta, Canada as a skiwear brand, successfully transcended its technical outerwear capabilities into the golf market in the early 1990s as the golf industry gravitated towards designing sport-specific garments that truly helped enhance the game. Thus, it's no surprise Sunice® - owned and run by Montreal, Canada-based Fletcher Leisure Group Inc., a company with 42 years of golf industry experience - meets the demands of the most discerning golfer. Sunice® golf outerwear is a chosen favorite by many PGA and LPGA Tour players around the world.

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