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UKENS TIPS (Uke 30/13):
Rytme og balanse
Rytme og balanse henger nøye sammen. Dette er i korthet hva som er skrevet om
dette i et tips hentet fra Golf Channel
Here are a few tips to help you get in rhythm and maintain
balance in your golf game:
• Manage your tempo.
If your tempo is too fast or slow, keeping rhythm and
balance gets very tricky. I use a metronome to help my students get a feel for
the proper tempo in a swing. Tempo will vary player to player, but as a guide
try setting the metronome somewhere between 70 and 80 beats per minute. Begin
with small swings like a putting or chipping stroke to match the feel of your
swing to the beat.
• Hold your finish.
This is one of the first things I’ll teach a beginning
golfer when working on the full swing, but yet I see several experienced golfers
forget the simple detail. If you can hold your finish at the end of the swing
for at least three seconds, chances are you did something right to get there.
And always remember that the smaller swings like putting and chipping require
you to hold your finish as well!
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