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Robert Trent Jones jr.
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Hardt arbeid er det eneste som nytter
Tim Mahoney er en meget god trener. Han brukes ofte av Golf Digest. Han blir
ofte spurt om hva som er den største feilen i golf. De som spør venter seg
en eller annen mer eller mindre stor sak. Tim Mahoney har imidlertid et
kanskje noe uventet svar:
"the fact is that far and away the biggest fault among average handicap
golfers is a lack of commitment to learning a good swing, and a general lack
of respect toward the difficulty of the game. The truth is that in golf, and
everywhere else, there are no short cuts or quick cures.
Her er hans tips i Golf Digest til de som tar en pro time, leser en golfbok
eller lærer på video:
1. Three goals during any lesson: learn what to do and why; know
what it feels like when it is correct; and know what it looks like when it
is correct. During the instruction session the teacher will outline why,
will demonstrate, and will move you to the correct position. These goals
are vital when it comes to self-practice.
2. Twenty-one days to improvement. With any motor-skill change,
correct repetition ingrains permanent habits, but it takes time. Perfect
swings make perfect. A high percentage of golfers will read a golf tip,
try it once, mis-hit a shot, blame the author and try another. End result:
increased scores and increased frustration. Stick with the tip or lesson
with compatible changes for a length of time.
3. Eliminate short-term comfort. Your present motion might feel
comfortable, but it produces undesirable results. The changes that the
instructor requests might feel uncomfortable in the short term but through
perfect practice and repetition, comfort will be achieved with improved
4. Golf is a marathon, not a sprint. Even Tiger Woods and Arnold
Palmer are constantly changing their techniques in order to improve. The
only way to survive is to constantly change and adapt.
Han minner om at det vi får se på TV er de beste. De har som regel ikke
mange problemer når de spiller sin beste golf slik vi ser det på TV. Husk
imidlertid på at på PGA Tour'en treffer de i gjennomsnitt 7 fairwayer, 12
greener på regulært antall slag og de bommer over halvparten av
tometersputtene sine.
Husk at golf er spill som stort sett består av feilslag. De aller beste
spillerne har ikke mer enn en håndfull "perfekte" slag på en
runde. .
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