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Hickory Golf - finale i Sverige 12. oktober

04.10 Hickory Golf:
Sesongen har avslutning i Landskrona
Golfsiden har skrevet om hickory golf tidligere i sommer. Nå er det finale i Sverige 12. oktober.

Aktiviteten er mye større i Sverige enn i Norge. Men noen norske deltakere drar til Sverige for å delta i sesongavslutningen.

Informasjon fra Claus Mæland:

Svenska Golfhistoriska Sällskapet og Svenska Golfmuseet står som verter og innbyr også oss fra Norge til stor hickoryfinale i Landskrona 12. oktober 2019.

Vi er noen få hickory golfere fra Kongsvinger som skal representere Norge i forbindelse med denne årsavslutningen, og vi håper at det finnes noen flere med interesse for historisk golfspill her til lands som vil være med.

Om du mangler utstyr og erfaring med hickory klubber, kan vi i Kongsvinger hjelpe deg med dette. Liermoen Hickory Golfers disponerer 4 spillbare sett som er til gratis utlån til golfere som ønsker å delta i Landskrona 12.okt. Det vil også være mulig å få lånt eller kjøpt i forbindelse med besøket til Landskrona. Det er alltid et salgsmarked av golfhistorisk utstyr under hickory-turneringer. Her kan man forhandle el. bytte seg frem til en god handel.

Vi i Norge henger litt etter resten av Skandinavia når det gjelder golfspill med historisk utstyr. Basert på den økende interessen i Sverige er det rimelig å anta at også dette vil bli en del av det norske golftilbudet.  Klarer vi å etablere et norsk hickory lag, har Finland, Danmark og Sverige fremmet sine interesser for landskamper og en Nordisk Hickory Tour.

Er du en potensiell hickory golfer som ønsker å prøvespille med historisk utstyr, er du velkommen til Kongsvinger som min gjest til en gratis 9 hulls hickory runde i løpet av høsten 2019.

For en avtale eller ytterligere informasjon kontakt meg på: / +47 928 62 048

Her er invitasjonen fra Sverige:

Le Grand Finale Landskrona GK den 12 oktober 2019
Svenska golfhistoriska Sällskapet och Svenska Golfmuseet står som värdar och inbjuder härmed till stor hickoryfinal.

Le Grand Finale är en lagtävling mellan tre av de svenska hickorytourerna och laget Independent Hickory Team för att kora den bästa touren av dessa.

West Coast Swing • East Coast Swing • Southern Hickory Tour• Independent Hickory Team

Lagmästare blir det lag som har den sammanlagda lägsta scoren av de 3-5 bästa resultaten.

Lagpriser i både brutto- och nettoklass. Antalet scorer som räknas i laget bestäms utifrån antalet deltagare.

För att bredda tävlingen tävlar vi samtidigt i en prestigefull individuell slagtävling med priser i såväl brutto som nettoklass.

Program och information
Vi bjuder på kaffe och fralla (09.oo – 10.oo) Första start 10.30.

Gemensam middag och prisutdelning direkt efter tävlingens slut. * Greenfee 200:- Startavgift 100:-. Anmälan via GIT.

Guidad tur i Svenska Golfmuseet i grupp eller enskilt.

Övernattning kan ske på Stugbyn intill golfbanan.

Detta är en golfhistorisktävling och allt spel sker med träskaftade klubbor med klubbhuvud tillverkade före 1935 eller tidigare. Enligt Golfhistoriska Sällskapets regler.

*Gemensam middag om det blir minst 25 deltagare. Annars blir det prisutdelning direkt efter tävlingen.

Anmälan till middag görs till Claes, 0705-264160.
Övernattning bokas själv på, 0418-10835, Hotell Ö, 0418-47400

Avsändare: Svenska Golfhistoriska Sällskapet

Hvordan skal man kle seg til hickory golf?
Her er en oppskrift:

Deal W. Hudson
Since part of the appeal of hickory golf is the period dress of the 20s and 30s, I am pleased to offer the following advice to help the beginner acquire the proper attire with a minimum of effort and expense. (I will address Pre-1900 dress for the hickory golfer in another guide.)

Plus Fours, Plus Twos, and Breeks
Often mistakenly called “knickers,” Plus Fours received their name by falling four inches below the knee, the same being the case with Plus Twos. Breeks have little or no drop below the knee. My personal preference is for Plus Twos or Breeks because Plus Fours can look baggy, espe-cially on those with shorter legs and long torsos, like me. There are several online vendors that hickory golfers use, all are dependable and offer quality products at various prices.

1. Vecci Fashions offers a good selection of men’s and women’s Plus Fours with matching sweaters, caps, and socks. This is a good one stop shopping place, and the prices are rea-sonable, the service excellent. By the way, for some reason Vecci’s Plus Fours do not fall in a way that looks baggy.

2. has a wide variety, and often colorful, too colorful, Plus Fours, socks, and caps. The prices vary but they certainly have some bargains that are attractive to those who want just the basics. Call this one the bargain vendor.

3. is widely used by hickory golfers. Their Plus Fours are high quality, and bit more expensive than the ones above. However, they have a distinctive look and, I am told, an excellent fit. You can’t go wrong with T. Barry

Advice: If you are going to buy just one pair, go for khaki color. You can use navy, red, green, black, even white socks, which gives you a number of possible ensembles to be made from one set of Plus Fours. My second color would be black or navy blue.

Over-the-knee-socks can sometimes be found in various stores without having to order from one of the three sources above. Many golfers prefer a traditional argyle design, but I have found that solids, perhaps with a bit of woven design, are easier to mix and match. Black, navy blue, forest green, winter white, and dark red are good colors to start with. And throw in a few argyles but make sure the colors are fairly rational, i.e., black, red, and white, navy blue, yellow, and white, etc.

It makes me sad to see a hickory golfer come out with great Plus Fours, socks, shirt, tie, and V-neck sweater only to screw it up with the latest sneaker-type of golf shoe. That’s called an oxy-moron, a contradiction in terms. Find some traditional white, black, or brown shoes, preferably in leather, but for the best look use a two-tone shoe, white body with black trim on the toe and heel, or the same in brown and white. These can be bought from Allen Edmonds, though they seem to be shying away from them. Foot Joy recently came to the rescue with their “MyJoy” line which allows you to design your own, two tone or even three tone (don’t get carried away!). And they are the most comfortable golf shoe I know, with the possible exception of the ECCO golf shoe.

Caps & Hats
There are a variety of caps and hats that are period appropriate for hickory golf. If you have an old Fedora in the closet, you can use that, or find a cap in wool, linen, silk, or cotton. Synthetic fabrics can get very hot under the sun, and they are, well, synthetic! Caps come in several styles, the main division being those that have little fuzzy balls on the top, the “newsboy” cap, and those that do not, what I call a “drivers” cap. Choose what looks and feels best on you. Dressing well can give a golfer an extra shot of confidence, one more reason not to consider it an unnecessary accessory to the game. No baseball type golf hats, ever, please!

This is the one item your probably already have in your drawers. V-necks, of course, show off your tie, including the choice of a bow tie, and sweater vests provide warmth while not restrict-ing the swing around the shoulders and upper arms. Full sweaters should be loose, for the same reason, ease of movement. Argyles are always welcome among hickory golfers, but golf pictures from the 20s and early 30s show a variety of designs, the Art Deco style provided lots of options.

Shirts & Ties
These items you will have in your closet, too. White shirts with spread or button-down collars are the most versatile. I often find myself packing just 4 white shirts for a weekend tournament, with four or five ties for different color combinations. I have started wearing neck scarves myself, but that has yet to catch on. When the heat reaches above, say, 90 degrees, it is permissible to unbutton your collar. My stubborn refusal to do so once led to heat stroke!

Rain Gear
This is one area where we ignore the requirements of period dress. The golfer’s rain jacket is itself a modern invention. In the 20s, golfers wore their Harris Tweed coats or waxed canvas jackets, if they wore anything at all to keep the rain away. I once found what looked like a 20s-looking rain jacket at Brooks Brothers, but they don’t make them anymore, and they were over-priced.

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Det var stilige spillere på utslaget før start

17.07 Hickorygolf Kongsvingers GK:
Flott og stilig arrangement
Hickorygolf er kommet til Norge. Det ble en fin helg i Kongsvinger. Les mer

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