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Roque er en av banene som har gleden av å ha norske elitespiller på besøk denne
uken. Foto: A. Ramnefjell
Resultater fra turneringen på Valerrama:
10.04 Team Norway training camp:
Trener i Spania Flere av våre beste spillere er i Spania på
treningsleir. Her er også mange gode juniorer.
Det er et flott og inspirerende tiltak.
Darren Webster-Clarke har skrevet disse referatetene fra de to første dagene:
NGF Team Norway Spain Camp, Day 2
Following the ritual morning the girls played San Roque while the boys played
One of my juniors 13 yr old Tina Mazarino was overjoyed when Niklas and Jonas
invited her to fill in one of the groups, and it was pleasing how she was helped
by the top amateur girls.
Everybody is being encouraged to "Take the Next Step"!
The World's leading Putting Coach Jon Karlsen did a testing and drill session
with Marianne while the rest of the squad worked out with Eirik.
The boys will start a 3 round tournament tomorrow at Valderamma and as is
expected the course is in excellent condition.
NGF Team Norway Camp Day 1
07.00 saw us all in the gym doing activation exercises and circuits with
Olympiatoppen strength trainer Erik Hole.
All the group practiced at Al Caidesa where we were superbly looked after all
day, thanks to Tor Nygaard.
There was plenty of interaction between the players by giving insights as to
what has worked for them.
Elias was clubfitting king by helping one of the Juniors fix his Driving
frustrations, by moving the weights in the head to shift the sweet spot from the
Toe more to the heal; the immediate improvement was incredible.
The afternoon fitness was done LA style in the sun and trees were used in the
Garden to do the chins. All in all a great start to the week.
Her finner du
Her diskuterer du golf
Si din mening!!