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02.01 Colin Montgomerie:
Tøft for Tiger å komme tilbake
I et intervju med Sky Sport forteller Ryder Cup kaptein Colin Montgomerie at han tror det blir svært vanskelig for Tiger å komme tilbake etter den siste tids hendelser.
- Tiger Woods will find it almost impossible to fully focus on his golf when he
returns after the recent revelations over his private life. It is absolutely
impossible to play good golf (with all that going on), forteller han.
Han sa videre: - It is absolutely impossible to play good golf (with all that
going on). There was a reason why Tiger didn't win a major last year, the first
year for a long time. We now understand possibly the reasons why. I can only
speak for myself and say during a time like that you can just about make it to
the next tee if you make a birdie or a par but with a bogey the world collapses
around you.
Han mente også at spillere som Seve og Palmer har bidratt til de store
pengepremiene i golf. Men Tiger har bidratt til at golf er blitt så populært
over hele verden. Tiger har vært med på å øke premiene dramatisk de siste årene.
Vi får bare håpe at Tiger kommer tilbake snart.
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