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"The Slot Swing" (Foto fra hjemmesiden)
14.12 The Slot Swing:
Beste instruksjonsbok gjennom
Mange leser instruksjonsbøker i golf. Jim McLean har kommet med en bok som har
fått hederlig omtale. Boken har tittelen: The Slot Swing ( (John Wiley & Sons,
"The slot" er et uttrykk som svært menge golfspillere ikke forstår betydningen
av. Det er så viktig å være "in the slot" for å få til et godt golfslag.
Kanskje dette er boken for deg?
Golfweek-journalisten James Achenbach mener at dette er den beste
instruksjonsbok som noen gang er skrevet.
I en pressemelding heter det:
- Earlier this year, Jim McLean released his 10th book, "The Slot Swing".
Part of his goal when writing this book was to make it simple so every golfer,
no matter their skill level, no matter their golf acumen, could understand
EXACTLY what he was writing. No fancy terminology, no in-depth analysis too hard
to understand. Rather a book that a golfer could read, and learn from.
James Achenbach, the long time writer for Golfweek Magazine, is a self-described
"golf-equipment junkie" and writes reviews for many golf products, books, and
DVDs for Golfweek Magazine. In a recent article for Golfweek Magazine, Achenbach
wrote, "The Slot Swing is the best golf instruction book I have ever read. Not
only is it the best, but it also is the most honest. Why is it the best? Because
anybody can understand it. Very little mumbo jumbo here."
"The Slot Swing" discusses the downswing path to the ball. As McLean writes,
"The Slot is a moment in time - a link between the plane your shaft travels on
during your backswing to the one it assumes as you deliver the clubhead into the
back of the ball."
Achenbach, who joined Golfweek Magazine in 1975 and is now a senior writer, went
on to write, "McLean's book can help many players hit the ball more solidly and
perhaps add distance. This is not some pie-in-the-sky swing that can be achieved
only by elite golfers. McLean's slot swing makes sense in a real world composed
of real golfers."
Ønsker du å kjøpe boken, kan du henvende deg her:
I sin omtale av boken skriver James Achenbach blant annet: "I am convinced
McLean’s book can help many players hit the ball more solidly and perhaps add
distance. This is not some pie-in-the-sky swing that can be achieved only by
elite golfers. McLean’s slot swing makes sense in a real world composed of real
Here is the nucleus of his message: The slot swing accommodates many different
types of backswings. On the downswing, just drop the club into the slot. This is
ideal for hitting a draw, but McLean also explains the slot fade.
There are plenty of examples of well-known players who defy standard backswing
principles – from Miller Barber to Jim Furyk to Sergio Garcia to Bruce Leitzke –
and all are united by their ability to find the slot on the downswing."
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