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06.01 Pitch
og chip:
Hva er forskjellen?
Det er ikke
alle som er klar over
forskjellen på pitch og
chip. Det er ikke så rart
fordi disse uttrykkene
brukes litt om hverandre
uten klart definerte
Litt enkelt kan vi si at en
pitch er et litt lengre slag
og gjerne et høyere slag enn
enn litt kortere chip. Det
er ikke uten grunn at det
heter pitching wedge når vi
snakker om kølla som gjerne
brukes. Pitch er slaget
pitching wedge eller bare
wedge er selve kølla. Noen
kaller kølla for pitch eller
pitcher. Det blir feil fordi
pitch er altså selve slaget,
mens pitcher brukes i
baseball og om en mugge -
gjerne en mugge som
inneholder en halv gallon og
som ofte fylles med øl i
Her er en definisjon på en
pitch fra golf.about:
"A pitch or "pitch
shot" is a shot played with
a highly lofted club that is
designed to go a short
distance with a high
trajectory. Pitch shots are
usually played into the
green, typically from 40-50
yards and closer. It's easy
to picture a pitch shot when
it is contrasted with the
chip or chip shot. A chip
shot is played from much
closer to the green and the
ball is in the air only a
short amount of time; the
point is to get the ball
onto the surface of the
green and let it roll toward
the cup. Most of a chip shot
is roll. A pitch shot, on
the other hand, is in the
air for most of its distance,
with much less roll once it
hits the ground."
Her er en definisjon på en
chip fra golf.about:
"A shot typically played
from very close to the green,
usually within a few yards
of the putting surface, in
which the ball is struck
using a club (usually 6-iron
to PW) played back in the
player's stance. Such a
combination produces a shot
that is in the air very
briefly before settling to
the putting surface and
rolling toward the cup. Chip
shots are usually played
with a 6-, 7-, 8- or 9-iron
or pitching wedge. Chip
shots differ from pitch
shots in that pitch shots
are meant to have a higher
trajectory that results in a
shot landing closer to the
pin and rolling just a bit.
Pitch shots are typically
played from farther off the
green than chip shots."
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