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18. hullet - par 5 - på Pebble Beach
11.05 US Open:
Slik settes banen opp
US Open arrangeres av USGA og ikke PGA Tour'en. Banene hvor US Open spilles
settes ofte opp noe annerledes enn ellers. Pebbel Beach er arenaen for US Open i
juni. De har retningslinjer å gå etter.
Alle sider av spillet skal settes på en prøve. Det vil bli foretatt nødvendige,
daglige tilpasninger til været. Her har norske arrangører noe å lære; for
eksempel flaggplasseringer og tee-klosser i forhold til vindforholdene. Her er
det hentet inn informasjon om set up for US Open baner:
The following factors impact U.S. Open course setup. The mix of these varies
from course to course, year to year. Evaluation of course setup should not focus
on any single element but consider the composite result. The factors are:
1. Length, variation and playing characteristics of individual holes;
2. Length of overall golf course relative to total par;
3. Teeing ground locations (i.e., angles of play, variation of distance day to
4. Fairway width and contours;
5. Fairway firmness and speed;
6. Green speed relative to percentage slopes and contours of the putting greens;
7. Putting green firmness;
8. Rough height, density and stages of severity;
9. Bunker preparation (i.e., create challenge of recovery);
10. Green surrounds (e.g., closely mown areas vs. primary rough);
11. Hole locations (relative difficulty, balance in location of left vs. right,
front vs. back of green, anticipated wind, anticipated length of approach shot);
12. Risk and reward options;
13. Anticipated weather conditions;
14. Pace of Play
In addition, the championship will arrange the U.S. Open primary rough cut at
different heights, determined by the hole and its yardage.
Each hole also will have two distinct cuts in the primary rough. Generally
speaking, a ball that barely trickles into the primary rough won’t be as
severely punished as one that misses the fairway by 15 yards.
There is no target score for a U.S. Open. While the final score at some U.S.
Open sites will be at or near par, the USGA does not try to formulate a course
setup that will only produce a winning score of at or near even par. Our goal is
to provide everyone attending a U.S. Open with the finest experience possible.
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